Meet the Designer: anika ignozzi of ooh Baby

Anika Ignozzi of OOH BABY makes original, hand-painted pieces out of upcycled clothing and accessories. Her clothes, which are also for sale on her website, are a youthful array of bright, fluorescent colors and renderings of eyes, faces, and animals.
At Ooh Baby, the focus is on self-expression through personal style and, above all, feeling good. Their mission is to help people feel confident while expressing their unique identity. Ooh Baby is committed to responsible entrepreneurship, with upcycling being a significant aspect of her operations. Anika transform used clothing into fashionable garments, bringing color, joy, and fun to her collectors while taking upcycling to new heights.

The story of Ooh Baby began in a small town outside Pittsburgh, where Anika started upcycling clothes using a sewing machine borrowed from a friend's mother. With a lifelong interest in painting and drawing, she began incorporating her artwork directly onto the garments, later expanding to patches and screen printing.

After several successful years in Pittsburgh, Ooh Baby was ready for a change. In late 2021, Anika had the opportunity to open a shop in West Village, thanks to the support of Lesley Ware, the owner of Art To Ware, and Chashama's storefront startup program. Relocating to New York, Anika realized her dream of launching the brand in the Village.

Moving to New York was both exciting and challenging for Ooh Baby, but she quickly found her place on Greenwich Avenue. The shop has formed strong connections with neighbors, such as Miss Ellen Levy, a longtime Village resident and loyal customer.

As Ooh Baby continues to grow, they are expanding their operations to reach a wider audience beyond the Village. The company is dedicated to scaling upcycling and local production by opening a studio in Brooklyn. In the future, most of the clothes available in the shop will come from this studio, furthering their commitment to sustainability.

Having been at their current location for a year, Ooh Baby has grown incredibly fond of the Village and its lively community. Anika looks forward to becoming a staple in the area and invites everyone to visit Ooh Baby for a magical experience. Whether you're looking for a cool new clothing piece or simply want to leave with a smile on your face, Ooh Baby has something to offer.

Shop Anika’s storefront here.


Meet the Designer: Parron Allen


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